Rights and obligations of visitors and patients
According to the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 18, 2009 No. 193-IV “On the health of the people and the healthcare system”, citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan have the right to:
1. receiving a guaranteed volume of free medical care in accordance with the list approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2. provision of medicines and medical products within the guaranteed volume of free medical care;
3. free choice of a medical organization, quality and timely medical care;
4. decent treatment in the process of diagnosis, treatment and care, respect for one's cultural and personal values;
5. medical care in the order determined solely on the basis of medical criteria, without the influence of any discriminatory factors;
6. support from family, relatives and friends, as well as ministers of religious associations;
7. relief of suffering to the extent that the current level of medical technology allows it;
8. receiving information about the state of one's health, examination results, prevention, diagnosis and rehabilitation methods;
9. gratuitous receipt from state bodies, organizations and the attending physician, within their competence, of reliable information on the methods of prevention, diagnosis, treatment of the disease and medical rehabilitation, clinical research and factors affecting health;
10. obtaining an independent opinion on the state of one's health and holding a consultation;
11. additional medical services in excess of the guaranteed volume of free medical care at the expense of own funds, funds of organizations, the voluntary insurance system and other non-prohibited sources;
12. receiving medical care abroad at the expense of budgetary funds, if there are indications in the manner determined by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan
13. refusal to receive medical care, except in cases of a condition of patients that does not allow them to express their will (shock, coma), suffering from diseases that pose a danger to others, suffering from severe mental disorders;
14. non-disclosure of confidential information constituting a medical secret, except in special cases;
15. certification of the fact of temporary incapacity for work with the issuance of a sheet of temporary incapacity for work or a certificate of temporary incapacity for work;
16. receiving information about the paid services provided, the cost of paid services, as well as the procedure for their provision.
17. compensation for harm caused to health by improper prescription and use of medicines, medical devices and medical equipment by medical workers;
18. appeal against actions (inaction) of medical and pharmaceutical workers to a healthcare organization, a higher authority and (or) in court;
19. petition to involve independent experts in case of disagreement with the conclusions of the state medical examination;
According to the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 18, 2009 No. 193-IV “On the health of the people and the healthcare system”, citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan are obliged to:
1. take care of your health,
2. take measures to preserve and strengthen own health;
3. comply with the regime and internal regulations, take care of the property of a medical organization, cooperate with medical personnel when receiving medical care;
4. undergo preventive medical examinations in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of healthcare;
5. comply with the prescriptions of medical professionals related to individual and public health;
6. take precautions to protect your own health and the health of others, undergo examination and treatment at the request of medical organizations, inform medical personnel about your illness in case of infectious diseases and diseases that pose a danger to others.
7. show respect and tact when communicating with medical workers;
8. provide the doctor with all the information necessary for the diagnosis and treatment of the disease.
9. after giving consent to medical intervention, strictly follow all the instructions of the attending physician;
10. promptly inform medical workers about changes in their health status in the process of diagnosis and treatment, as well as in cases of diseases that pose a danger to others or are suspected of them;
11. not to commit actions that violate the rights of other patients.
On the territory of Burc Medical LLP it is prohibited:
2. appear in a state of alcoholic, narcotic and toxic intoxication;
3. smoke and use open fire;
4. to be in the building in outerwear, without removable shoes (boot covers);
5. carry and store outerwear and footwear in the hospital wards;
6. freely walk around other wards, boxes and departments.
7. talk loudly, make noise;
8. use mobile communications when visiting a doctor, during procedures, manipulations, examinations;
9. throw away garbage, waste in a place not intended for this;
10. independently regulate heating system devices;