Information about Burc Medical LLP for citizens

1 ТОО «Burc medical» Almaty Sema Hospital.
2. Kazakhstan Almaty city, Nauryzbay str 31.
Phone numbers:
+7 727 3 100 103
+7 708 971 73 63
‎‎+7 778 399 66 66
3. Phone number for information on written requests from citizens +7 727 3 100 103;
4. Phone number for information on personal reception of citizens: +7 708 971 73 63;
5. Email address for receiving citizens' appeals:
6. Fax number for receiving citizens' appeals: +7 778 399 66 66;
7. Website
8. Information about the Clinic's employee who authorized to conduct personal reception of citizens

Name, Position Hours Adress Phone
1 Кайрбаев Мурат Решатович, Директор Every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday from 16.30 to 17.30 Almaty city,
Nauryzbay str., 31
8 (700) 283-58-02
2 Чингисова Жанна Казбековна Every Tuesday, Friday from 14.00 to 16.00 Almaty city,
Nauryzbay str., 31
8 (700) 283-58-02

9. Information about the members of the Commission on Medical Ethics and Deontology:
Chairperson: Chingissova Zhanna Kazbekovna – Chief Physician
Secretary: Kusbayeva Farida Bekbolatovna – human resources
- Bayirkhanova Almagul Oralovna – head of Operation Department;
- Batyrova Aliya – lawer;
- Aiguzhina Mariya Aleksandrovna – Chief Nurse;
- Magauyin Erkebulan Kenzhebekovich – head of cardiology and cardiosurgery department;