Children's medical examination

Children's medical examinations at the SEMA clinic are professional examinations by qualified specialists. We offer medical examinations for children of preschool and school age quickly and efficiently. List of documents on the state of health of the child, which are required for admission to school/kindergarten:

We have programs: «Preschooler» and «Pupil»
1.Children's medical examination 1-5 years old «Preschooler»
Your planned examination under the package «Preschooler» includes:
-Consultation of a pediatrician
-Consultation of an ENT doctor
-Consultation of a pediatric surgeon
-Consultation of a neuropathologist
-Consultation of an ophthalmologist
Laboratory examination:
-General clinical tests: complete blood count (18 parameters), general urinalysis with microscopy, stool examination for parasitic infections
- Markers of inflammation: ESR,
Filling in the Health Passport:
• Medical card form No. 26
• Vaccination card form No. 63

2.Children's medical examination 6-7 years old «Pupil»
Your planned examination under the «Pupil» package includes:
-Consultation of a pediatrician
-Consultation of an ENT doctor
-Consultation of a pediatric surgeon
-Consultation of a neuropathologist
- Consultation with an ophthalmologist
Laboratory examination:
-General clinical tests: complete blood count (18 parameters), blood for sugar, general urinalysis with microscopy, stool examination for parasitic infections
-Markers of inflammation: ESR.
Completing the Health Passport:
• Medical record form No. 26
• Vaccination card form No. 63

What do you need to complete the paperwork?
• Sign up for a preventive examination for admission to school/kindergarten.
• The visit begins with an appointment with the pediatrician.
• After his examination, the pediatrician will refer you to narrow specialists - an ENT doctor, an ophthalmologist, a neuropathologist, an orthopedic surgeon, and also write out referrals for tests: complete blood count, complete urinalysis, fecal test for helminth eggs.
Parents must have their child's outpatient card (form No. 112) and vaccination card (form No. 63) with them. You can pass a preventive examination and draw up documents in 1-2 days.